Which is the best platform to choose for your game

Which is the best platform to choose for your game

In this article, we going to explore several game engines and framework, highlights some of the key advancements each of them offered. After reading this post, you will have several opinions to take option from to make the next big game.
Cocos2d is a free and opensource framework, works with both Swift and Objective-C. It has best support for iOS and OS X, and it also supports Android through the Sprite Builder Android module provided your code is being written in Objective-C. Swift supporting for Android is in dev.
Projects in Cocos2d are made through SpriteBuilder, a gui design environment that you can make use to quickly proto-type and make games. You are not necessary required to use Sprite Builder to create your game, however, project creation must be made through SpriteBuilder.
Scene management is made through the CCDirector structure, which can utilize numerous Transition with theCCTransition structure. It offers animations made the CCAnimation structure and action, such as moving scaling , scaling , and rotating, with its CCAction class. Cocos2d has support made for particle systems with the CCParticleSystemclass and has made support for tile maps with the CTiledMap structure.
Cocos2d also uses OpenGL as its rendering game engine. It uses Chipmunk as its physics game engine. If you enjoy Objective-C or Swift, and you want to develop for multiple game platforms (iOS and Android), then Cocos2d is a framework worth considering and developing.
Cocos2d-x is a C++ transfer of Cocos2d that can compile make to many other platform. Cocos2d-x can interpet to iOS, Android, Windows Phone, OS X, Windows, and Linux.
Cocos2d-x does not come with SpriteBuilder module . However, it does have some interesting pros , such asCocos Creator, which provides a framework, scene editing subject  , debugging, game preview of the game , and publishing to multiple platforms.
Unity is a mobile based  game engine that supports C# and UnityScript lang, a language designed specifically for Unity Engine and modeled after JavaScript. It is a cross-platform and can deploy to many of the platforms, including PlayStation and Xbox. There are  free editions available and a professional edition offerings more features. More information is available on the their  website.
Unity uses its home made own proprietary physics engine. Unity has a built-in cam, which makes navigating in the game object world simple. You can visually lay out cut scenes and Unity has a user interface system with many components, such as buttons, sliders, and menus etc . There is also support for spritebundler packing within the Unity editor.
Unity is a powerhouse clearly when it comes to game engines. If you know to need a cross-platform solution that has big the ability to a wide range of devices and services you prefer to program in either C# or UnityScript, then the Unity is a good choice. One other nice things about Unity is the asset store in which you can get ,find or purchase assets so that you can use in your games.
SpriteKit is Apple’s made 2D game development framework. It is only available on iOS and OS X Operating systems . SpriteKit supports both Swift and Objective-C languages , a combination of the two is perfect.
Scene managements are done with the SKView Structure and there is a wide variety of transition with theSKTransition Structure. At the heart of  this SpriteKit is action, instance of the SKAction structure, which are used to move, rotate, and scale games objs. Actions can also be used to play sound and execute custom codes.
SpriteKit has a scene editors in which you can visually design the level of your game. Also available is a particle editors in which you can visually design particle system. A number of pre-designed particle systems are available, such as fire and rain.
SpriteKit uses Box2D for its physics engine. SpriteKit provides a friendly wrapper around Box2D, which makes it very easy to use. SpriteKit also has a built-in camera through the SKCameraNode class, which makes navigating around the game world easy.
If you are tied to the Apple ecosystem, then SpriteKit is a very good choice.
Titanium is a framework software that uses JavaScript as its programming language libraries. While more traditionally used to build apps instead of games, it can be a viable game development platform for good games . It is free to use during developments. If you want to publish your game, then you need a license for it.
Titanium supports many native control from iOS and Android. This makes it easy to animate the views and images.
appcelerator titanium
One of the best things about Titanium is the market placing for downloading custom module.  There is, for example, a Box2D module that you can get your  app. If you do not need the complex of Box2D, then using a simple bundling box collision system can work just as fine.
While Titanium would not be great for games with a lot of moving particles  and particle explosions, using it for simple card games like trivia games, and games with a limited number of movable objects is more than a great  option.

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