Linux-based Sailfish OS Becomes Russia’s Official Mobile Operating System

Linux-based Sailfish OS Becomes Russia’s Official Mobile Operating System

Short Bytes: Finnish company Jolla’s Sailfish OS has been recognized as the official mobile OS by the Russian government. This OS makes use of open source Linux kernel, Jolla’s open source Mer Core UI and other 3rd party proprietary components. We can expect new Sailfish OS devices in the Russian market in 2017. Apart from Russia, Jolla is also trying to be a big part of the alternative mobile OS ecosystem in other BRICS nations.
In the recent times, the Russian government has been trying hard to encourage the alternate software vendors to put an end to the monopoly of US-based companies. The country has also repeatedly expressed that it’s not pleased that about 95 percent of Russian smartphones are running Android and iOS.
In a similar move, Jolla’s Sailfish OS has been accepted as the “only mobile OS in Russia to be used in government corporation and their mobile device projects.” Samsung’s Tizen was also competing for this status. In Russia, we can expect the new Sailfish OS devices in 2017.
For those who don’t know, Jolla Ltd., the maker of Sailfish OS, is a Finnish mobile company that was formed by former Nokia employees. Sailfish OS is based on open source Linux kernel and Jolla’s open source Mer Core UI and other 3rd party components. As Sailfish OS is compatible with Android OS, it enjoys a natural upper hand over other Android alternatives.
It should be noted that while Jolla calls Sailfish OS open source, certain elements are closed source. The company says that it intends to open source most of the components but the dearth of resources is becoming a big issue.
In Russia, Sailfish OS is developed and licensed by a local product company named Open Mobile Platform Ltd., which has already started building local Sailfish OS developer community in Russia. Instead of using a forked version of Sailfish OS, it’s a custom model of the OS that can be altered according to the need of customers.
Apart from this big win in Russia, Jolla is also discussing alternative mobile OS possibilities in China, South Africa, India, and Brazil.
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