Google is still the number one priority of the students all over the world when the students were asked where they would want to work.
hile the tech companies are worried sick about losing their best talent to other companies and new startups, a recent study has shown that
This survey comprised of 19,000 students across 340 top universities from different corners of the world. The other top choices of students besides Google are: Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, and Amazon.
In this ranking of the world’s best employer by students, it was found that the next generation was interested in the future prospects and their contribution in the company. It was conducted by Piazza, a California-based class discussion platform that is used by teachers and students all around the world. Techcrunch writes that Piazza was started by software developer Pooja Sankar back in 2009 when she was pursuing her MBA from Stanford.
Piazza says that there are some striking difference when we talk about the choices of people based upon their gender. The choices of females as the best place to work were Facebook, Netflix and Dropbox; while for men it were Apple, Dropbox and LinkedIn.
It further elaborates that Dropbox isn’t as popular among MIT students as it was last year, but it doesn’t explain why. Also, the undergraduate students ranked Spotify and Snapchat much higher than the graduates.
In today’s world where the best computer science, engineering and math graduates are the hottest commodity for tech companies, Google wins the competition. Piazza founder Pooja Sankar tells Techcrunch: “If I’m Google and I’m worrying that other companies are becoming bigger and sexier and I’m losing my brand, these findings are nice to know. She adds, “companies can look back and better understand: Is what I’m doing working or not?”
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